Tuesday, 27 March 2012


In today's lesson our whole class got given a poem (DULCE ET DECORUM EST) we had to read, analyse, anotate it, underline the sentences that meant something to us or gave us any powerful imagery and provide a starting point for movement ideas and trsanspose these words into dance movements (to do so, we had to observe the tone, theme, determine whether it was abstract or literal or if there was any rhyming scheme or repitition used).

When we had finnished anotating the poem, we individually created 8 different types of movements to run alongside the poem. I chose 8 different quotes for insperation for my 8 movements, i chose to do it in this way because having one quote per movement provided the avalibility for more ideas.

My favourite movement of them all was when i dragged myself across the floor because it gave the impression of trying to escape. I chose to do this in a way to show a panic because of the quote; 'Gas! Gas! Quick, boys!'.

I think the most interesting thing about the poem is that the poet describes alot of imagery throughout the poem, however, he gives a powerfull ending, he leaves the reader hanging on to the question of whether the poem is truthful. He in effect says that you wouldnt describe such horrific imagery to a child "for some desperate glory". This was effected because in the poem it says "To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori." My opion of this quote is that i feel the poet is trying to say you wouldn't say this to your children.

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