Wednesday, 28 March 2012

15th march rehearsal, first run through

The first run through was ok, not great but it could have been better if we had focused more and remembered our lines, however I was always sure that in the next few rehearsals we were definitely going to improve. Their were many times where we had to stop during rehearsals as we had many problems with the unstableflats seen as usually in rehearsals we used flats that only two people could move however when it came to the flats we were using in the performance we found that they were very unstable and had to be moved by four people, one person lifting up the weight, one person taking off the leg and two people rotating the flats. I think the flats caused alot of trouble to the performance as when the flats had to be moved we had to have eight people for the two flats this meant usually eight people would be late for their ques to come on stage.

-Interact with the audience when walking down the rostra
-Think about the emotions your character has
-If your not in the the story then sit on the mats either side of the stage acting like your really interested in whats going on
-Forty thieves instead of acting like the horses come on stage with a strong pace.
-When ali baba is astonished to find all the gold coins David says his lines in mother tongue then snaps out of it and carry's on the with the lines in English.
-Keep the energy going by focusing more and getting into character more.
-Keep the pace going for the little beggar
-Marjarnah had very good diction whilst saying her lines
-Teri was really good at staying in character for Kasims wife
-Bradley was doing really well with the accent is Abu Hassan story
-Have more commitment with the ensemble bit in story of 'The woman who wouldn't eat'
-Projecting our voices on stage because then we immediately
-Becca, Teri and Shanice are really doing well at playing the characters in the envious sisters story
-Movement with the old man was very good but the sight lines need working on
-Old man needs to travel into the centre
-Have the confidence of the performance
-The story without an ending is very powerful
-Needs more focus

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